Posted by welcome to the world of handphone!!! on 9:57 AM

Putting the Nokia N79 (metaphorically) next to the original
N73 is instructive - not only has the specification dramatically improved in the
intervening three years, it's smaller, sleeker and lighter and is a testament to
the onward march of technology. Putting the N79 next to the N78, it's closest
living relative, is also instructive, in that the N79 is smaller and higher
specification again, and with a more normal design to boot. Rafe's commented at
length on the positioning of the N79 and N78 in the article linked above, so I
won't repeat it.
Another interesting comparison is putting the new N79 up
against the year old N82 - as two of Nokia's leading 'candy bar' form factor
smartphones, both still in production, it makes for an obvious 'which one to
buy' moment. However, referring back to Rafe's comments again, the N79 is
pitched much more at the mass market, with its XpressOn covers, white iPod-like
front and NaviWheel, and with its diminutive size. While the N82 was pitched
fairly squarely at photo-and-video-centric power users, a market which it
continues to serve well. So I won't go into more depth in terms of an N79-N82
comparison, apart from the little spec table added as 'Appendix A' at the bottom
of this review, which will give you a quick overview of the N79's relative
specification plus points compared to the (now very well known) N82.


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